You have asked and we have answered! When our customers become aware that they need a new roof, often we are asked a similar series of questions. We at Vantage Point Roofing believe that our customers should be armed with the knowledge to make wise decisions about their roofing needs and thus, have been working hard to put together a video blog series to answer the 8 key questions you should ask before replacing your roof.
Over the next 8 weeks we will be releasing 8 short videos, packed with valuable information (and hopefully a bit of fun too) on topics such as:
- Should I replace or repair my roof?,
- Should I insulate?,
- How long will my exisintg roof last?, and
- How much do roof replacements cost?
If you would like to join our email list to receive the vlog link for each video straight to your inbox
If you have any further questions, write them in the comments box below or
call us on 1800 476 634.