
Why Metal Roofs Leak Less Than Tile Roofs

When it comes to rainy weather, we think metal roofs leak less than tile roofs - here's why:

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While we’re all certainly grateful that we’re finally seeing some decent rain this summer, there is no denying that it’s causing troubles for homeowner’s across South East Queensland with leaky roofs! We’ve been inundated with calls the last few weeks, ranging from reports of small drips to whole ceilings caving in! During this time we’ve noticed a pretty interesting statistic; 90% of calls requesting urgent repairs to leaks have come from homeowners with tiled roofs. Read on to learn some of the reasons that metal roofs outperform tile roofs in the rain.

1. Fewer seams than tiles

Metal roof sheets have less seams and therefore less risk of water ingress. If you think about how many metal sheets it takes to cover one face of your roof, compared with how many individual tiles it would take – it makes sense!

2. No Cracks

One of the most common problems that affect old roofs is degradation. While metal roofs are also susceptible to this break down over time, worn tiles are more susceptible to cracks and if one has broken down – there’s likely to be several! 

Cracked roof tiles

3. Fewer individual leaks and repair points

Due to having a greater amount of seams and potential for cracks, tile roofs tend to have more individual leaks than metal roofs. Not only does this make the source of the leak more difficult to find, it means water can make it’s way into the cavity and cause damage in multiple areas of the home. While we admit that the root cause of a leak is often difficult to diagnose on all roof types, there are fewer potential entry points on metal roofs meaning the process of elimination is much faster!

4. But can’t I just replace the cracked tile?

Of course! Replacing individual tiles is an easy and cheap solution that’s totally valid. The main issue we’d like to point out however, is that over your roof’s lifetime you’re likely to have several cracked or dislodged tiles that will only come to your attention after discovering leaks. It’s possible that a leak may even be present without obvious symptoms, potentially leading to serious internal damage that’s both costly and time consuming to repair. It’s worth considering the amount of time and money spent replacing individual tiles over the roof’s lifetime, compared with the minimal maintenance of a metal roof. 

5. Metal roofs are guaranteed for up to 36 years*

*Depending on the location and installation of your roof, Bluescope Steel offers guarantees on their product for up to 36 years. What’s not to love about a guarantee like that? A complete roof replacement may require a greater upfront financial outlay, but the time and hassle saved is priceless. Not to mention the potential costs of ongoing repairs associated with tiled roofs.

6. We guarantee our roofs for 10 years!

This means that if you choose Vantage Point Roofing to carry out your complete roof replacement and you experience leaks within the first 10 years, we will make the appropriate repairs free of charge – no questions asked. 

New Colorbond metal roof



We hope this blog has provided you with some useful information on some of the ways that we believe metal roofs outperform tile roofs in wet weather. If you have any further queries, or would like to make the change from tile to metal, please feel free to contact us via the comments box below, make an enquiry here or give our friendly team a call on 

1800 476 634.

We’d be more than happy to help! 


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Image 1: Via Buyers Ask



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