
What’s in a roof replacement quote?

In episode 2 of our 5 part webseries we discuss what's included in a roof replacement quote.

VPR director Luke holding an oversized quote with confused look

Hi everyone! We’re back with another series of V TV! in this series we give you:  

5 Insider Roofing Trade Tips

We delve a little deeper into some aspects of roofing that you may or may not be aware of, but should definitely consider if you are ever looking into getting your roof inspected or replaced.

Through 5 episodes we hope to provide you with some insider tips to help you with any concerns you have or any decisions you are looking to make in regards to your roof.

In this episode we discuss a very common question around residential roof replacements:

 “What’s included in a roof replacement quote?”

Key Points

Watch the episode below to find out about :

  • How to make sure you are getting a ‘transparent’ quote, and
  • What situations may incur ‘extras.’ 


Brief Summary

As a homeowner looking to replace (or repair) your roof, it’s understandable that one of your biggest fears may be the emergence of unexpected costs along the way. It can be a daunting experience having the roof of your home replaced and so naturally you want a company who is going to not only give you what you want, but also the peace of mind knowing that they are going to complete the job correctly, to a high standard, and with no nasty extras. There are some tips to making sure you receive a clearly itemised quote and are aware of what ‘extras’ can pop up:

  • Firstly, be informed. There are some standard items that should be easily found on any roof replacement quote (we have them listed in our ebook) and knowing what these are will enable you to compare roofing quotes more effectively and find any gaps in the quoted standard items 
  • Secondly, be open about your needs and expectations. The more detail you provide a roofing company on what result you would like to achieve, the more they can customise their quote for you, and therefore the more accurate the price for roofing costs will be. 
  • Thirdly, ask for a clearly, itemised quote. It is standard at Vantage Point Roofing to provide clear, itemised quotes, however not every company does. Simply asking for one is will increase your chances of receiving more accurate quotes (which clearly state all your inclusions) which you can then compare between roofing companies.
  • Lastly, be aware of the potential unforeseen circumstances. Although rare, there are occasionally unforeseen situations which may incur extra costs. In a roof replacement situation this would usually be something like finding structural damage to your roof frame (which can only be discovered once the roof sheets are lifted to be replaced) and this would need to be fixed before replacing the roof.

With a significant investment at stake, we understand that you want to know where your hard earned money is being spent from the beginning. We know that unexpected extras can usually be avoided by improving your knowledge of the process and developing a transparent relationship with your roofer.



We hope this vlog has provided you with some take away tips to help you understand what is included in your roof replacement quote. If you have further questions please write them in the comments box below, make an enquiry here or give our friendly team a call on 1800 476 634.

We’d be more than happy to help! 


We have also created a complimentary ebook for the 

5 Insider Roofing Trade Tips webseries.


It contains more tips and details that we couldn’t fit into our short videos

(including a list of standard quote items)

and can be your reference document by downloading here!




 <<—- PREVIOUS: Episode 1 – How long to roof replacements take?   

—->> NEXT: Episode 3 – Does your property need edge protection?



Updated 5th Jan 2020 to provide most current information 


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