
Fair dinkum or a furphy? Four metal roofing myths revealed!

Did you know that metal roofs are more prone to lightning strike? Or that they’re REALLY loud when it rains? What about the one where metal is the ugliest roofing material available? Well, you can safely forget all of that – because there’s nothing fair dinkum about any of it!

1. Metal roofs attract lighting: Furphy

You might have heard the common myth that metal roofs are more susceptible to lightning strike…the truth however, is that no material ‘attracts’ lightning more than another. It’s all about conductivity and the path of least resistance. The fact that steel is a better electrical conductor than other materials (like terracotta or cement tiles) actually decreases resistance, which in turn reduces the production of heat and potential for combustion (fire!). So there you go!


2. Metal roofs are much louder than other roofs when it rains: Furphy

Unless you’re living in a tin shed under a bare tin roof, this one is also a bit of a falsehood. Roof cladding is the outer and uppermost layer of your home. Most residential homes have several layers of sound insulation between their ceiling and the roof sheeting in the form of anti-condensation blankets, thermal insulation batts, air cavities and plaster! The truth is that while metal roofs might be slightly noisier than other roofing materials, most people can’t distinguish between sounds that are less than 8 decibels apart – which is about the difference between rain falling on an asphalt roof and rain falling on a metal roof.


3. Metal roofs get hotter: Furphy

We’re not going to lie; metal roofs DO get hot. Higher up than any other building element and exposed to direct sunlight all day long, how could they not? But they don’t get hotter than any other roofing material. This confusion has its basis in the fact that metal heats more quickly than other materials like cement or clay tiles. But when something heats more quickly, it generally loses heat more quickly too! Coupled with it’s reflective qualities, metal roofing is arguably actually the cooler choice!


4. Metal roofs are ugly: Furphy!!!!!

How could we not take this one personally!? Truth be told, there is no real ‘fact or fiction’ on this one as it is indeed a personal preference. We’d like to point out to the naysayers however, that metal roofing doesn’t have to be ugly. Maybe you haven’t seen the right combination of colours and profiles, maybe it’s been installed in the wrong context or maybe someone did a bad job of installing that’s scarred you for life. We’re obviously pretty biased, but we think metal roofing is the sexiest choice out there. The best thing is, metal roofing can play almost any role – traditional, modern, country, city, the list goes on! (but actually stops here).




ATAS International – Sound Emission of Metal Roofing Bulletin 5

Our own biased opinion (see: ugliness)


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