
Choosing the right colour for your roof

Which Colorbond® roof colours complement your home and surrounding area? Choosing colours can be challenging, let us at Vantage Point Roofing help.

Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof

Whether you are looking to build brand new, refresh and update your home or add value to an investment home, choosing the right colour for your property’s roof can be a difficult choice. Choosing a colour scheme for your home is an extremely personal choice however, sometimes looking at samples of popular combinations can be a great starting point!Colorbond® have got the perfect range of colours for all types of scenery from country to the coast. The best part is that you can perfectly combine these colours with any branded exterior wall paint!

To help you out, we’ve got the link to the Colorbond Online Visualiser below, a list of the most popular colours complimenting their natural and built environments, and of course our favourites!


By the seaside, the sea -breeze vibe can be easierMetal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof. Coastal surfmist than ever with these three cool colours:Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof. Coastal
• Surfmist®
• Shale Grey®
• Windspray®

NOTE: Remember if your roof is within 200m of breaking surf, Colorbond® Ultra will be required.


To bring a warm traditional country home to life the following Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Countrycolours are ideal:Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Country
• Pale Eucalypt®
• Jasper®
• Evening Haze®

Inner City 

To achieve the ultimate city look pair greys and charcoals with Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Inner Citywhites:Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Inner City
• Ironstone®
• Windspray or Shale Grey®
• Basalt®

Modern Suburban

Bolder tones are popular on contemporary suburban homes to Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Modern Suburbancreate a striking effect:Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Modern Suburban
• Monument®
• Deep Ocean®
• Woodland Grey®


Heritage colour schemes can restore traditional homes to their Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Traditional manor redoriginal grandeur:Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Traditional

• Manor Red®
• Cottage Green®
• Classic Cream®

Our team voted that Surfmist® and Shale Grey® are our favourite picks for roof colours!

Metal Roofing - Brisbane - Choosing the right colour for your roof Traditional Colorbond Swatches circle
To use the Colorbond Visualiser follow this link: http://colorbond.autech.com.au/onlinevisualiser/index.php?frame=residential

To request a FREE measure and quote simply click the button below!


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on April 21 2016 and was updated in December 2016 for accuracy.

Image Source: www.colorbond.com


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