
DIY Roof Repair: Is it dangerous?

Repairing your own roof presents a number of dangers, and why it’s safer to call in professionals – Vantage Point Roofing – 1800 476 634 – Gold Coast and Brisbane

Corded drill  being used to screw metal roof sheets

Repairing your own damaged or leaking roof may seem like a real cost saver, but it can also be a dangerous exercise if you don’t know what you’re doing and are inexperienced working on a rooftop. Here are 5 reasons why it’s typically best to call in a professional roof repairer or roof replacement service instead of risking doing it yourself.

1. Risk Of Falling

Tumbling off the roof of a single story home can be enough to cause serious injury; a fall from a two storey home could possibly prove fatal. If you have a fear of heights, are wearing inappropriate footwear, or are inexperienced working on a roof, then the chances of a mishap are greatly increased. Consider whether it’s really worth the risk to save a few dollars on professional roof repairs before attempting on your own.

2. Power Lines

Every year homeowners in Queensland suffer from electrocution when climbing ladders onto the roofs of their homes. If you insist on carrying out your own roof repairs, then make sure you gain access to the roof well away from any power lines, and remain diligent whilst on top of the roof and duing the descent back down the ladder.

3. The Roof Could Be Slippery

Again, this is an issue that can be negated with experience, the appropriate footwear and the right tools for the trade. No matter what material your roof is made of, it could be covered with mould or mildew, or the surface may have deteriorated and become flaky or chalky and therefore easy to slide on. A slippery rooftop is not a good place to be if you don’t know what you are doing!

4. Your Roof Might Have Weak Spots

An experienced roof repairs or metal roof replacement specialist will recognise weak points in an old roof, but the home DIY handy-person may not. Falling through the roof and into the roof cavity could result in further damage, not to mention injury and electric shock if you come into contact with any internal power lines.

5. Asbestos Roofing

If your home has one of those old corrugated fibro roofs, then it’s likely your roof contains asbestos. This is not something to be tackled by the home handyman. We are all aware of the dangers of asbestos, so if you have an old asbestos roof that needs repairing, then your best option is professional roof replacement. Getting rid of that old roof and replacing it with metal roofing is your best choice for peace of mind.

asbestos roof replacement before and after

Call in the Professionals

Vantage Point Roofing has been carrying out quality roof repairs and roof replacements in Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast for over a decade now. We will only consider repairing your roof if the fix is permanent, otherwise we recommend an entire roof replacement with quality metal roofing. It’s more affordable than you think, and guaranteed to solve your problems the first time – so get in touch with our friendly staff today to discuss your options and get a quote!

You may also be interested in our video addressing one of our most commonly asked questions: “Should I replace or repair my roof?”


Call one of friendly team members to arrange a FREE inspection and quote on 1800 4 ROOFING or 07 3373 859. Or submit a quote request below and we’ll get in contact at a time convenient for you!



Updated 16th Jan 2020 to provide most current information.


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